
Monday, September 16, 2013

Day and Night

"But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night."
Psalm 1:2

I love to write. And I haven't in a very long time. Recently some friends of mine decided to make one of my poems into a song. The problem is, my poems weren't really meant to be songs. So I've been writing again. And it's great.
I love God's word. But I haven't acted like I love God's word in a very long time. Recently God has been drawing me back into His word. The problem is, I have a lot of bad habits to occupy my time. But I've been reading again. And it's great!

Psalm 1 - My prayer
I want to meditate on; savor, chew, swallow, and digest Your word.
May I be like a tree
A tree firmly planted by streams of water
A tree that never needs to fear drought or getting uprooted
A tree that is useful
A tree that is bountiful
A tree that blesses others with gifts
    -gifts that delight
    -gifts that refresh
    -gifts that do no harm, only nourish.
And may I radiate joy
And visibly and internally be an image of health;
An object of Your blessing. Without the blemish of sinfulness.
And may I serve You, my Lord, and prosper in all that I do.